
Tekst G8 plana


Skupstina Srbije usvojila je "dokument za postizanje mira" koji su u Beograd doneli medjuanrodni posrednici, finski predsednik Marti Ahtisari i specijalni izaslanik ruskog predsednika Borisa Jeljcina, Viktor Cernomirdin. Prenosimo u celini tekst tog dokumenta koji je podeljen poslanicima, a koji je imala na uvid agencija Beta:

"Da bi se krenulo prema resenju kosovske krize, treba da bude postignut sporazum o sledecim prinicipima:

1.Trenutno i proverljivo okoncanje nasilja i represije na Kosovu.

2.Proverljivo povlacenje sa Kosova svih vojnih, policijskih i paravojnih snaga prema brzom vremenskom rasporedu.

3.Rasporedjivanje na Kosovu pod okriljem UN, efikasnih medjunarodnih civilnih i bezbednosnih prisusatva, koja ce delovati kao sto to moze da bude odluceno na osnovu glave 7. Povelje UN i sposobnih da garantuju ispunjenje zajednickih ciljeva.

4.Medjunarodno bezbednosno prisustvo, uz sustinsko ucesce NATO, mora biti rasporedjeno pod ujedinjenom komandom i kontrolom i ovlasceno da uspostavi bezbedno okruzenje za celo stanovnistvo na Kosovu i da olaksa bezbedan povratak svih raseljenih lica i izbeglica svojim domovima.

5.Ustanovljavanje privremene administracije za Kosovo, kao dela medjunarodnog civilnog prisustva, o kojoj ce odluciti Savet bezbednosti UN, pod kojim ce narod Kosova moci da uziva sustinsku autonomiju unutar SRJ. Privremena administracija radi obezbedjenja prelazne uprave, za vreme dok se uspostavlja i nadgleda razvoj uslova za miran i normalan zivot za sve stanovnike Kosova.

6.Nakon povlacenja, jednom dogovorenom broju jugoslovenskog i srpskog osoblja bice dozvoljeno da se vrati radi obavljanja sledecih duznosti: veza sa medjunarodnom civilnom misijom i medjunarodnim bezbednosnim prisustvom,

7.Bezbedan i slobodan povratak svih izbeglica i raseljenih lica pod nadgledanjem UNHCR i neometan pristup humanitarnih organizacija Kosovu.

8.Politicki proces usmeren prema postizanju privremenog politickog okvirnog sporazuma kojim se obezbedjuje sustinska samouprava za Kosovo, uz puno uzimanje u obzir sporazuma iz Rambujea i principa suvereniteta i teritorijalnog integriteta SRJ i drugih drzava u regionu, kao i demilitarizacija OVK. Pregovori izmedju strana oko resenja ne bi smeli da odloze ili ometaju uspostavljanje demokratskih samoupravnih institucija.

9.Sveobuhvatan pristup ekonomskom razvoju i stabilizaciji kriznog regiona. To ce ukljuciti sprovodjenje Pakta stabilnosti za jugoistocnu Evropu uz siroko medjunarodno ucesce radi daljeg unapredjivanja demokratije, ekonomskog prosperiteta, stabilnosti i regionalne saradnje.

10.Prekid vojnih aktivnosti ce zahtevati prihvatanje gore izlozenih principa, uz istovremenu saglasnost sa drugim pethodno identifikovanim trazenjem elemenata koji se preciziraju u donjoj fusnosti. Zatim ce biti brzo zakljucen Vojno-tehnicki sporazum kojim ce, izmedju ostalog, biti precizirani dodatni modaliteti, ukljucujuci i ulogu i funkcije jugoslovensko/srpskog osoblja na Kosovu.


Postupak povlacenja, ukljucujuci i fazni, detaljan vremenski redosled, kao i obelezavanje tampon zone u Srbiji, iza koje ce se snage povuci

Osoblje koje se vraca

Tekst sadrzi fus notu koja glasi:

Drugi prelazni elementi:



G8 Plan accepted by Serbian Parliament

In order to approach a solution to the Kosovo crisis, an agreement on the following principles should be achieved:

1. An immediate and verifiable end of violence and repression in Kosovo.

2. The verifiable withdrawal of all military, police and paramilitary forces from Kosovo according to a speedy time schedule.

3. The stationing in Kosovo, under a U.N. mandate, of effective international, civilian and military presences that could act in line with a possible decision according to Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter and be able to guarantee realisation of the mutual interests.

4. An international security presence, with fundamental participation by NATO, must be placed under unified command and control and authorised to maintain safe surroundings for the population in Kosovo and to facilitate the safe return of displaced individuals and refugees to their homes.

5. The establishment of a provisional administration for Kosovo as part of the international civilian presence that would be decided upon by the U.N. Security Council under which the people of Kosovo would enjoy meaningful autonomy within the FRY (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia). A provisional administration to maintain the provisional government while democratic self-rule institutions are set up and surveyed to create conditions for a peaceful and normal life for all citizens of Kosovo.

6. After the withdrawal, an agreed number of Yugoslav and Serbian personnel would be allowed to return in order to fulfil the following duties:

- contact with the international civilian mission and international security presence

- mark mine fields and participate in clearance

- maintain presence at places of Serb national heritage

- maintain presence at key border crossing points.

7. The safe and free return of all refugees and displaced persons under the surveillance of the UNHCR and free access for humanitarian organisations to Kosovo.

8. A political process geared at establishing a provisional, political, general agreement that guarantees meaningful self-rule for Kosovo with full consideration of the Rambouillet agreement and principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the FRY and other states in the region, as well as demilitarisation of the KLA (ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army). Negotiations between the sides regarding the solution should not postpone or hinder the establishment of democratic self-rule institutions.

9. A general approach to economic development and stabilisation of the crisis region. That would entail the implementation of the Pact on Stability for Southeast Europe with broad international participation to enable further improvement of democracy, economic prosperity, stability and regional co-operation.

10. The end of military activities would entail the acceptance of these principles as well as agreement to other previously identified and demanded elements specified in the footnote. Then a military-technical agreement would be concluded and cover other modalities including the role and function of Yugoslav/Serbian personnel in Kosovo.


The process of withdrawal, including how it will be phased, a detailed time schedule, as well as the marking of a buffer zone in Serbia beyond which the (Yugoslav) forces would withdraw.


- Equipment of returning personnel

- Scope of their functional responsibilities

- Time schedule of their return

- Setting of the geographical zones of their activities

- Rules which guide their conduct with the international security presence and international civilian mission.


Other demanded elements:

+ A fast and precise time schedule for withdrawal which means, for instance, seven days for a total withdrawal, withdrawal of air defence units out of the mutual security zone of 25 km (20 miles) within 48 hours.

+ Return of personnel dealing with the above-mentioned functions would be conducted under the supervision of the international security presence and would be limited to a small and agreed upon number (hundreds not thousands)

+ Suspension of military activities would take place once the withdrawal began and was verifiable

+ Discussion on the military-technical agreement and its accomplishment would not postpone the previously agreed withdrawal schedule.

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