
10 June 1999

Statement by

NATO Secretary General Dr. Javier Solana on suspension of air operations

A few moments ago I instructed General Wesley Clark to suspend NATO's air operations against Yugoslavia.

I have taken this decision following consultations with the North Atlantic Council and confirmation from SACEUR that the full withdrawal of the Yugoslav security forces from Kosovo has begun.

The withdrawal of Yugoslav security forces from Kosovo is taking place in accordance with the Military-Technical Agreement that was concluded between NATO and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia yesterday evening. It is also consistent with the agreement between the FRY and EU and Russian special envoys of 3 June.

I have just written to the Secretary General of the United Nations and the President of the United Nations Security Council to inform them of these developments.

I urge all parties to the conflict to seize this opportunity for peace. I call on them to comply with their obligations under the agreements that have been concluded these past days and with all relevant UN Security Council resolutions. The violence must cease immediately. The Yugoslav security forces must withdraw, and all armed Kosovar groups must demilitarize. Violence or non-compliance by any party will not be tolerated.

I would like to take this opportunity to salute General Clark, his commanders and all the men and women of Operation Allied Force who have bravely contributed so much to the cause of peace and security for all the people of Kosovo.

Ensemble avec le reste de la communauté internationale, l'OTAN aidera tous les réfugiés et toutes les personnes déplacées à rentrer dans leurs foyers. Nous aiderons tous les habitants du Kosovo - quelque soit leur origine ethnique - à reconstruire une société libre, débarrassée de la répression violente qu'elle a connue pendant si longtemps. Depuis le début de l'opération Force Alliée, j'ai insisté sur le fait que l'OTAN n'a aucun grief contre le peuple de Yugoslavie. J'espère que les Serbes du Kosovo resteront chez eux. Les forces de l'OTAN défendront leurs droits tout autant que les droits des autres communautés ethniques du Kosovo.

L'OTAN avance à grands pas dans ses préparatifs pour la KFOR. Dans quelques heures, le Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord se réunira pour approuver formellement le déploiement de forces de l'OTAN au Kosovo. Ces forces créeront un environnement sûr permettant le retour des réfugiés et le processus de reconstruction. Aujourd'hui, une réunion importante se tient à Cologne pour développer un Pacte de Stabilité pour l'Europe du Sud-Est. L'OTAN est prête à contribuer pleinement à cette initiative.

All this would not have been possible without the cohesion and the determination of all Allies. As our air operations against Yugoslavia are now suspended, NATO is ready for its new mission; a mission to bring people back to their homes and to build a lasting and just peace in Kosovo.


